
  • 16 Jan
    Possible takeover of fruit juice producer Albi by food retailer Edeka

    Possible takeover of fruit juice producer Albi by food retailer Edeka

    GERMANY     Reports at the end of December indicated that the food retailer Edeker were looking to buy Albi, one of the country’s leading fruit juice manufacturers. Albi’s distribution of fruit juice and own band discounted ranges cover the whole of the German food trade and ranks in seventh place in the country with about 93 million bottlings according to press sources in the local industry. Sources go on to say that Edeka already owns a juice producer in the Rostock area, with its own plantations and a fruit pressing plant in Poland and that their aim is to reduce dependence on external suppliers. There has been no comment from Albi at this stage.

    Sources: Proplanta and Fresh Plaza

    By Caroline Calder News
  • 16 Jan
    Haskap juice to grow in popularity in Poland

    Haskap juice to grow in popularity in Poland

    POLAND   Haskap berries, very much an unknown a few years ago, are making steady inroads into the Polish consumer market. With new less sour varieties being introduced Anna Litwin from the company Blie Haskap predicts that the Haskap will rise in popularity on the Polish market during the next few years. The berries are often frozen as part of the production process and a by-product of this has been the fruit juice which has an improved taste when made from the frozen fruit.

    “Making Haskap juice from the frozen berries is great because the freezing process softens the tartness and gives it a good colour. We have gotten a lot of interest from health food stores, but I want to make sure that we don’t get stuck in a category, I want Haskap juice and berries to be for everyone,” commented Anna.

    The juice is concentrated and will be offered in three litre plastic bags for the hotel, restaurant and café industry and 250 ml glass bottles for consumers.

    Source: Fresh Plaza

    By Caroline Calder News
  • 16 Nov
    Florida citrus forecast latest

    Florida citrus forecast latest

    In the aftermath of the severe damage caused by hurricane Irma and the ongoing problems for growers caused by citrus greening, the outlook for the Florida citrus industry is difficult to say the least and this is backed up below by the USDA November forecast for the 2017-18 season .

    All oranges: The USDA Florida all orange forecast released on 9th November for the 2017-18 season puts the figure at 50.0 million boxes, down 4.00 million boxes from the October forecast.  This will be the lowest ever output since the 49.0 million boxes produced in the 1945-46 season if the predictions are realised. And will reflect a 27% drop against last season’s production. The forecast consists of 21.0 million boxes of the non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason, and Navel varieties) and 29.0 million boxes of the Valencia oranges. The USDA Agricultural Statistics Board has applied regression data from the 2007-08 through to 2016-17 seasons and  all references below to average, minimum, and maximum refer to the previous 10 seasons unless stated.

    Non-Valencia oranges: The production forecast is now 21.0 million boxes, reduced by 2.00 million boxes. Current fruit size is below average and projected to be below average at harvest. Current droppage is above the maximum and is projected to be above the maximum until harvest. The Navel forecast, included in the non-Valencia forecast, is unchanged at 600 thousand boxes, and is 3 percent of the non-Valencia total. Current Navel size is above the maximum, and droppage is above the maximum.

    Valencia oranges: The production forecast is reduced by 2.00 million boxes to 29.0 million boxes. Current fruit size is below average and is projected to be below average at harvest. Current droppage is above the maximum and projected to be above the maximum at harvest.

    Grapefruit: The forecast of all grapefruit production is lowered 250 thousand boxes to 4.65 million boxes. This forecast, if correct, represents a 40% drop against last season’s production and the least since the 1918-1919 season of 3.50 million boxes. The white grapefruit forecast is reduced by 50 thousand boxes to 850 thousand. The red grapefruit forecast is reduced 200 thousand boxes and is now at 3.80 million boxes. Projected fruit size of white grapefruit at harvest is below average while projected droppage is above the maximum. Projected fruit size of red grapefruit at harvest is projected to be above average and projected droppage is projected to be above the maximum.

    Source: USDA

    By Caroline Calder News
  • 16 Nov
    Argentina is one of the world’s main exporters of concentrated juices

    Argentina is one of the world’s main exporters of concentrated juices

    ARGENTINA.  Dino Troni, Coca Cola’s general manager for Latin America has been quoted as saying that Argentina’s citrus industry is one of the most competitive worldwide and is the main exporter of concentrated juices in the world. Mr Troni says that because concentrated juice is an important element in the Coca cola beverage industry a key aspect for them is the question of seasonality, which plays an increasing factor in national production both in lemons and sweet citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, tangerines). When there is no production in the northern hemisphere. “Argentina has the capacity to deliver juices and concentrates that are enjoyed all over the world. The country has a natural capacity to develop these markets because of its climate and because it’s production takes place in the counter season of the northern hemisphere,” he added.

    Source: Fresh Plaza and

    By Caroline Calder News
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