
16th January 2018

Haskap juice to grow in popularity in Poland

POLAND   Haskap berries, very much an unknown a few years ago, are making steady inroads into the Polish consumer market. With new less sour varieties being introduced Anna Litwin from the company Blie Haskap predicts that the Haskap will rise in popularity on the Polish market during the next few years. The berries are often frozen as part of the production process and a by-product of this has been the fruit juice which has an improved taste when made from the frozen fruit.

“Making Haskap juice from the frozen berries is great because the freezing process softens the tartness and gives it a good colour. We have gotten a lot of interest from health food stores, but I want to make sure that we don’t get stuck in a category, I want Haskap juice and berries to be for everyone,” commented Anna.

The juice is concentrated and will be offered in three litre plastic bags for the hotel, restaurant and café industry and 250 ml glass bottles for consumers.

Source: Fresh Plaza

By Caroline Calder News Share: