
16th July 2017

Will the US orange juice industry get caught up in a trade war with the European Union  

EU      The European Union (EU) is considering retaliatory tariffs against the US if President Donald Trump follows through on his plan to impose restrictions on the imports of steel, according to a new report in the Financial Times (FT). Officials in the EU are weighing up the possibility of imposing tariffs on agricultural products from the US including orange juice if Trump follows through with a steel tariff said the FT.

The EU is not a large importer of steel from the US, so the measure focuses more on goods that the EU brings in from the US, says the report.

This is just the second move in what analysts say could be a series tit-for-tat of actions leading to a slowing of international trade, which could have serious implications for the Florida orange juice industry – already reeling from the ongoing effects of citrus greening.

Source: Business Insider

By Caroline Calder News Share:

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