
15th May 2017

South Africa looks to overtake Argentina in lemon exports in 2017 

SOUTH AFRICA: The Southern Hemisphere Association of Fresh Fruit Exporters (SHAFFE) predicts that South Africa will ship more lemons than Argentina during 2017. They expect total citrus export volumes to be 6% higher year-on-year, and predicts South Africa will ship more lemons than Argentina.

The association’s data, circulated by the Citrus Growers Association (CGA) of Southern Africa, also showed anticipated exports would be 11% higher than the last five-year average.

Looking at the specific categories, Southern Hemisphere orange volumes are forecast to rise 7.5% to 1.5 million tonnes, although this may reduce due to recent unexpected Navel fruit drop in South Africa. Lemon exports of nearly 620,000 tonnes are 2% up on 2016, while mandarins at 546,000 tonnes are 4% higher. Grapefruit, which is almost entirely supplied by South Africa, is expected to increase 14% to 240,000 tonnes.

Source: Fresh Fruit Portal

By Caroline Calder News Share:

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